Compose provides powerful, managed, auto-scaling databases. If you have experience working with distributed systems, and love solving fun data-related problems, we have the perfect opportunity for you!
Compose, an IBM company
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In brief
Maxim Dounin
A new security-focused registrar that demands companies have multiple employees approve changes to domain name settings.
The New Stack
Armağan Amcalar
Uva Software
Chris Stump
Are you loading your database up with work it doesn't really need to be doing? If this rings true to you, maybe it's time you met Redis.
Compose   sponsored 
Reza Naghibi
A look at a vulnerability where a site’s access is downgraded from https to http.
Ben Wilber
A 30 minute talk.
Caroline Donnelly
The New Stack
Quick looks at nmap, tcpdump, iperf, hping3, and netcat.
Lightweight high perf framework for developing and running microservices.
Robin Monjo
Arnaud Valensi
reinteractive takes the hassle out of your Ruby on Rails ops with our custom-made, robust and stable Operations as a Service platforms running on your own AWS account. Your app is maintained 24/7 by our dedicated ops team from less than $1 per hour.
Reinteractive   sponsored