Stack Overflow does a serious amount of traffic (terabytes per day) but what equipment and services are they using? This is a nice writeup of how their system is architected.
The New Stack’s Alex Williams reflects on how container-based architectures and microservices are dominating current thoughts over the web operations space.
An incredibly active Reddit discussion on what’s involved in migrating a datacenter of 80 physical servers (and 225 VMs) to Amazon Web Services instead. is the best way to build a status page for your app or website. We help companies communicate keep the their customers and/or internal teams in the loop during downtime.
A key change in the Web performance world lately has been a shift to using metrics that do a better job of measuring the user experience. Steve Souders takes a look at a ‘critical resources’ metric here.
A team was noticing every 6-12 hours, their RDS write throughput would spike significantly. This is a look at how they dug into it and resolved the issue.
AWS Lambda has a 5 minute execution time limit, but if you need to go beyond this, you can use this technique to roll your own Lambda on AWS using ECS.
“We found Convox to be great, because we ultimately ended up with the same simple continuous delivery pipeline that Heroku gave us and all the benefits gleaned from using AWS.”
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