Google’s IPv6 adoption statistics showed over 10% of users connecting to Google’s sites coming in over IPv6 (or 25% in the US and 44% in Belgium). “The point is that IPv6 deployment IS happening!”
A developer needs to process large amounts of scientific data quickly, so he did some analysis of performance on three clouds with a few different approaches.
DDoS attacks, including 100+ Gbps network layer attacks are becoming more common. If your website is not currently protected from application and network layer DDoS attacks, you may run up high downtime costs. Find out how much you can save by protecting your site against a cyber attack with the Incapsula DDoS Cost Calculator.
Once you’ve identified a possible lead, and taken the time to refactor and optimize it, it’s important to follow-up by properly validating and understanding the impact of your change.
ELK is a stack for log aggregation and analytics, standing for Elasticsearch (a NoSQL store and search server), Logstash (a log parsing service), and Kibana.
Among other findings, this test found that the median travel page took 6.7 seconds to load on the iPhone 6 and 5.5 seconds to load on the iPhone 5, exceeding the 4 second target.
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