Opbeat have updated their free ops service, adding response time distributions, a full activity breakdown, the ability to see the actual code that is slowing down the request, where is it called from & when it was committed. Read more
Sleepy Puppy is a XSS payload management framework that enables security engineers to simplify the process of capturing, managing, and tracking XSS propagation over long periods of time and numerous assessments.
The practice of guessing what users need so assets can be fetched ahead of time has been called ‘prebrowsing’ and it’s formed of several techniques which Robin summarizes here.
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Due to differences in PNG decoder/encoder implementations, it’s possible to provide malformed PNGs to sites and guess what technologies they’re using by the responses.
NAXSI stands for ‘Nginx Anti XSS and SQL Injection’ - it’s a third party NGINX module that acts as a web application firewall with simply defined rules.