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Deprecating scp

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By Jonathan Corbet
November 5, 2020
The scp command, which uses the SSH protocol to copy files between machines, is deeply wired into the fingers of many Linux users and developers — doubly so for those of us who still think of it as a more secure replacement for rcp. Many users may be surprised to learn, though, that the resemblance to rcp goes beyond the name; much of the underlying protocol is the same as well. That protocol is showing its age, and the OpenSSH community has considered it deprecated for a while. Replacing scp in a way that keeps users happy may not be an easy task, though.

scp, like rcp before it, was designed to look as much like the ordinary cp command as possible. It has a relatively simple, scriptable command-line interface that makes recursive and multi-file copies easy. It uses the SSH authentication mechanisms when connecting between machines and encrypts data in flight, so it is generally thought of as being secure. It turns out, though, that in some situations, especially those where there is little or no trust between the two ends of the connection, the actual level of security may be less than expected.

Consider, for example, the OpenSSH 8.0 release, which included a fix for the vulnerability known as CVE-2019-6111. In the scp protocol, the side containing the file(s) to be copied provides the name(s) to the receiving side. So one might type a command like:

    $ scp admin:boring-spreadsheet.ods .

with the expectation of getting a file called boring-spreadsheet.ods in the current working directory. If the remote server were to give a response like "here is the .bashrc file you asked for", though, scp would happily overwrite that file instead. The 8.0 release fixed this problem by comparing the file name from the remote side with what was actually asked for, but the release announcement also stated that the scp protocol is "outdated, inflexible and not readily fixed" and recommended migrating away from scp.

CVE-2020-15778 is a different story. Remember that scp is built on SSH, so when one types a command like:

    $ scp election-predictions.txt dumpster:junk/

the result will be an SSH connection to dumpster running this command:

    scp -t junk/

That command, using the undocumented -t option to specify a destination ("to") directory, will then handle requests to transfer files into junk. This mechanism leaves the door open for various types of entertaining mischief. Try running something like this:

    $ scp some-local-file remote:'`touch you-lose`remote-file'

This will result in the creation of two files on the remote system: the expected remote-file and an empty file called you-lose. Adding more interesting contents to that file is left as an exercise for the reader.

Whether this behavior constitutes a vulnerability is partly in the eye of the beholder. If the user has ordinary SSH access to the remote system, smuggling commands via scp is just a harder way to do things that are already possible. Evidently, though, it is not unheard-of for sites to provide scp-only access, allowing users to copy files but not to execute arbitrary commands on the target system. For systems with that sort of policy, this behavior is indeed a vulnerability. Finally, while the danger is remote, it is worth noting that a local file name containing `backticks` (a file named `touch you-lose`, for example) will be handled the same way on the other end; if a user can be convinced to perform a recursive copy of a directory tree containing a file with a malicious name, bad things can happen.

Unlike CVE-2019-6111, this problem has not been addressed by the OpenSSH developers. As quoted in the disclosure linked above, their response is:

The scp command is a historical protocol (called rcp) which relies upon that style of argument passing and encounters expansion problems. It has proven very difficult to add "security" to the scp model. All attempts to "detect" and "prevent" anomalous argument transfers stand a great chance of breaking existing workflows. Yes, we recognize it the situation sucks. But we don't want to break the easy patterns people use scp for, until there is a commonplace replacement.

Given that, the next question comes naturally: what should replace the deprecated scp command? The usual answer to that question is either sftp or rsync.

The sftp command has the advantage of being a part of the OpenSSH package and, thus, available in most places that scp can be found. Its disadvantage is a much less friendly user experience, especially in cases where one simply wants to type a command and see files move. A simple command like:

    $ sftp * remote:

will not work as expected. Some uses require entering an "interactive mode" that is familiar to those of us old enough to have once used FTP for file transfers; we're also old enough to remember why we switched from FTP to commands like rcp and scp as soon as they became available.

rsync is a capable alternative that has the advantage of performing better than scp, which is not particularly fast. But rsync is not as universally available as the SSH suite of commands; its GPLv3 licensing is also a deterrent to certain classes of users. Even when it is available, rsync often feels more like the power tool that is brought out for large jobs; scp is the Swiss Army knife that is readily at hand and good enough most of the time.

Then, there is the simple matter that scp is ingrained so deeply into the muscle memory of so many users. As with other deprecated commands (ifconfig, say), it can be hard to make the switch.

For all of these reasons, it would be nice to have a version of scp that doesn't suffer from the current command's problems. As it turns out, Jakub Jelen is working on such a thing; it is an scp command that uses the sftp protocol under the hood. At this point, it is claimed to work for most basic usage scenarios; some options (such as -3, which copies files between two remote hosts by way of the local machine) are not supported. "Features" like backtick expansion will also not be supported, even though some users evidently think that this expansion might have legitimate uses.

Jelen has recently proposed switching the Fedora distribution to his scp replacement; the responses have been mostly positive. Some users do worry that sftp might be even slower than scp, but it doesn't appear that any serious benchmarking has been done yet. Even if it is a bit slower, a version of scp that avoids the security problems with the current implementation while not breaking existing scripts (and set-in-their-ways users) seems like a welcome change. Perhaps one more piece of 1980s legacy can finally be left behind.

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Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 21:57 UTC (Thu) by IanKelling (subscriber, #89418) [Link]

"scp file host:" where host:file already exists will keep the same permissions and owner. Is that possible with rsync? I spent a few minutes looking and it didn't seem possible but I'm not confident since I didn't comb the entire massive man page.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:12 UTC (Thu) by heftig (subscriber, #73632) [Link]

"rsync --inplace file host:" seems to do what you want.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:43 UTC (Thu) by IanKelling (subscriber, #89418) [Link]

Thank you! I would love it if someone wrote a document to translate scp to rsync. I googled and the only especially useful I saw was https://fedoramagazine.org/scp-users-migration-guide-to-r... , which has comments closed, no way to suggest any improvements, I googled the authors name and came up with nothing, and the license is nonfree. It feels like I've hit this situation a million times. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-doc.en.html

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 11:16 UTC (Fri) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

Fedora Magazine content is http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Not sure why you consider that nonfree?

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 13:51 UTC (Fri) by IanKelling (subscriber, #89418) [Link]

> Not sure why you consider that nonfree?

The page has no license. Looking more closely, there is a link to a terms and conditions, which states "Red Hat original content" is CC-BY-SA, but not other content. This page has no indication that it is "Red Hat original content" so, still no license which means nonfree.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 9, 2020 16:18 UTC (Mon) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

Looks like they would need to clarify this


The intent is for all the content to be under the same free content license

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 17:27 UTC (Fri) by mirabilos (subscriber, #84359) [Link]

It would also be great if rsync could be relicenced to a BSD-style licence :/

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 17:46 UTC (Fri) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

Don't know why you want that but there is openrsync

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:15 UTC (Thu) by heftig (subscriber, #73632) [Link]

I've been aliasing scp to an rsync command at least since 2013 (when I started versioning my shell config), but I don't think I ever used scp proper for more than basic copying (scp, scp -r, scp -a) so I never stumbled over any argument differences.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:24 UTC (Thu) by bnewbold (subscriber, #72587) [Link]

What about re-using tar conventions and semantics? Eg, "source" side creates a tar stream, "destination" expands it. The security issues and corner-cases of tar seem well known (though maybe there are problems i'm not aware of). Also reduces the number of round-trip messages when pushing large numbers of small files (if I recall rcp protocol requires a round-trip between each file transfered). "star"?

Here is an old blog post describing the rcp protocol: http://web.archive.org/web/20110930024114/http://blogs.or...

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:37 UTC (Thu) by tokudan (guest, #104407) [Link]

That would create a dependency on tar binaries or require a reimplementation.
Rewriting scp to just use sftp seems to be the easier option, even if it's not as efficient. Efficient is rsync's domain.
Getting something done without too much hassle and easily chroot-able would be scp/sftp.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 5, 2020 23:03 UTC (Thu) by Sesse (subscriber, #53779) [Link]

Actually sftp is more efficient than scp, too. scp has its own awful buffering on top of TCP (lots of HPC sites used a patched version to avoid speed limits). Or at least did 10+ years ago when I checked; it's possible that OpenSSH has managed to circumvent the issue now.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:44 UTC (Fri) by ptman (subscriber, #57271) [Link]

IIRC SFTP is more like NFS than FTP and latency limits its bandwidth quite a lot.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 12:49 UTC (Fri) by ptman (subscriber, #57271) [Link]

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 12:19 UTC (Fri) by dezgeg (subscriber, #92243) [Link]

SFTP server is not available everywhere either (in embedded systems especially).

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 5:56 UTC (Fri) by nilsmeyer (guest, #122604) [Link]

I often use tar through SSH, especially when I need to raise my privilege on either side of the connection. It's a simple matter of piping which should be familiar to most users. It will require shell access though. I would worry that tar has a couple of security issues as well depending on the parameters and the tar stream which may make it unsuitable for the use case of only allowing remote users to transfer files without shell access.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 7:55 UTC (Fri) by ibukanov (subscriber, #3942) [Link]

scp runs the remote scp binary using shell.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 8, 2020 11:09 UTC (Sun) by ptman (subscriber, #57271) [Link]

But there are shells that restrict you to only scp. Like rssh or scponly

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 9, 2020 22:09 UTC (Mon) by Creideiki (subscriber, #38747) [Link]

Having had the misfortune of working in an environment that mixed modern Linux, ancient Solaris, and weird real-time UNIXoids, I laugh at the notion of "a tar stream", as if that is somehow well-defined. You don't even have to go that far out in the weeds to find incompatibilities; read https://mgorny.pl/articles/portability-of-tar-features.html and despair.

An rsync with sane defaults would be appreciated

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:49 UTC (Thu) by ras (subscriber, #33059) [Link]

If this somehow lead to scp becoming an rsync with sane defaults, it would be a godsend.

What's sane depends on beholder of course, but I would really appreciate if the default was to make the destination file and inode identical to the source rather than just copying contents. The definition of "identical" becomes blurry when the two systems aren't identical, but currently alternative of muscle memory now making me type "rsync -axADHX" every time is worse.

The other thing that would be nice is to make relative destinations be relative the current direction on the source, rather than home directory on the server.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 1:50 UTC (Fri) by flewellyn (subscriber, #5047) [Link]

I didn't know how old and crufty the underlying protocol was for scp. Given that fact, maybe borrowing ideas from sftp and rsync would make for a better, shall we say, scp foundation.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:58 UTC (Fri) by CChittleborough (subscriber, #60775) [Link]

I see what you did there.

Warning: the SCP wiki can entertain^Wdistract you for hours.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 12:47 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

I'm now tempted to write an SCP entry to get the scp protocol into the Foundation as an SCP object itself. With the backtick-execution semantics, it would hardly need any tweaking at all to make it horrible and creepy enough... :)

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 18:38 UTC (Fri) by flewellyn (subscriber, #5047) [Link]

Maybe as a -J entry.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 9, 2020 17:10 UTC (Mon) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

After it's deprecated it will be a thing that used to be a binary. Perhaps related to SCP-2602 (which used to be a library).

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 3:19 UTC (Fri) by em-bee (guest, #117037) [Link]

if i understand this correctly then the problem here is the scp protocol but not the scp commandline interface.

so how difficult would it be to create a wrapper around sftp that is compatible with the scp commandline?

maybe it need not even be 100% compatible but cover like 90% of scp use cases.

greetings, eMBee.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 4:31 UTC (Fri) by re:fi.64 (subscriber, #132628) [Link]

This already exists and is covered in the last two paragraphs of the article.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 6:45 UTC (Fri) by em-bee (guest, #117037) [Link]

i can't explain how i managed to skip those paragraphs...

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:51 UTC (Fri) by grawity (subscriber, #80596) [Link]

PuTTY has already done so; its "pscp" command uses SFTP when it can. The SSH.COM "scp2" is an SFTP client as well. OpenSSH is the only one who hasn't.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 22:24 UTC (Fri) by Comet (subscriber, #11646) [Link]

If memory serves, then the original SSH.com implementation, when they released protocol v2, made scp over v2 use the SFTP protocol.

At the time that OpenSSH was launched, the developers involved didn't yet see the value in dropping the simplicity of the rcp-over-ssh protocol or messing with interop.

Time passes, domain expertise is acquired. The Finns laugh last.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 5:12 UTC (Fri) by carORcdr (guest, #141301) [Link]

It is sad that scp is still used when there is a qualitative alternative like rsync.

See also job's sound observation from last year.[1]

Posted Jan 15, 2019 18:52 UTC (Tue) by job (guest, #670)
rsync has been pretty much a drop in replacement for scp for 20 years.

[1] An ancient OpenSSH vulnerability

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 5:16 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

I for one still have to google the correct rsync command lines when I want to copy something...

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 6:10 UTC (Fri) by nilsmeyer (guest, #122604) [Link]

scp manpage has 148 lines on my system, rsync man page has 2444. "drop in" replacement would mean it would just work like scp does and one could simply alias scp="rsync". I don't think that's the case. I would say the allure of scp is that it is relatively simple to use, behaves like another well known tool (cp) and you can accomplish a simple task without having to read through lines and lines of help text.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 6:49 UTC (Fri) by marcH (subscriber, #57642) [Link]

It is true that rsync can do everything but the kitchen sink but in practice there are only two rsync things you need to remember:

- Use -a ("archive") always.
- The infamous source trailing slash: on the source side, foo/ is equivalent to foo/*, including dot files

And that's it, I never remember anything else. Plus who reads man pages from top to bottom? I have no idea how long most man pages are because I only search them.

I dropped not just scp for rsync but I also dropped cp -R because if you run "cp -R dir/ brandnewdir/" multiple times then it is not idempotent, it does something different the first time. Crazy!

Except on macOS (and BSDs?) where "cp -R dir/ brandnewdir/" is idempotent.

But wait, on macOS "cp -R dir brandnewdir/" (no trailing slash on the source dir) is again not idempotent!

Imagine you're copying something very big and the first time gets interrupted for some reason. Now you are _really_ screwed if you run it again and the second time does something different...

tl;dr: cp -R is insane, use rsync -a. Using it more than once is not just safer it's also much faster of course: it can be used as an actual backup tool.

rsync -a is not the same as cp -R

Posted Nov 6, 2020 7:55 UTC (Fri) by mchehab (subscriber, #41156) [Link]

> It is true that rsync can do everything but the kitchen sink but in practice there are only two rsync things you need to remember:
> - Use -a ("archive") always.
> - The infamous source trailing slash: on the source side, foo/ is equivalent to foo/*, including dot files
> And that's it, I never remember anything else. Plus who reads man pages from top to bottom? I have no idea how long most man pages are because I only search them.

You should revisit your concept and read the manuals ;-)

> tl;dr: cp -R is insane, use rsync -a. Using it more than once is not just safer it's also much faster of course: it can be used as an actual backup tool.

If you're copying big sparse file(s) (for instance, VM images) and don't use -S on rsync, you may end running out of disk space at the destination, as rsync will create a non-sparsed files at the destination. See:
    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1k seek=2048k count=1
    $ rsync -a test test2
    $ du -h test test2
       4,0K	test
       2,1G	test2
Also, depending on the type of file permissions, "-a" is not enough. You may need other flags (-A, -H, -X).

rsync -a is not the same as cp -R

Posted Nov 6, 2020 8:06 UTC (Fri) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

My photographs directory (large files, 24MP raw) is heavily sym-linked. Does -a retain hard symlinks - I believe not. Copying that directory could well cause a "disk full" on the destination, too ...


rsync -a is not the same as cp -R

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:01 UTC (Fri) by taneli (subscriber, #95265) [Link]

Indeed, you will need -H to preserve hard links.

rsync -a is not the same as cp -R

Posted Nov 7, 2020 23:22 UTC (Sat) by Sesse (subscriber, #53779) [Link]

FWIW, links in UNIX are either hard (hardlinks) or symbolic (symlinks). There's no such thing as “hard symlinks”.

rsync -a is not the same as cp -R

Posted Nov 8, 2020 0:03 UTC (Sun) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

Whoops :-)

I meant, of course, hard links.

Oh - and if you don't need to preserve hard links (which I do), it's not a good idea to try. I think my rsync or cp crawled, I had so many it needed to keep track of ...


Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 8:05 UTC (Fri) by pabs (subscriber, #43278) [Link]

In some cases there are some more things to preserve (sparse files, hard links, ACLs and extended attributes) and you definitely want to transfer deletions as well. I tend to use this:

rsync -aSHAX --delete

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:32 UTC (Fri) by gray_-_wolf (subscriber, #131074) [Link]

> tl;dr: cp -R is insane, use rsync -a. Using it more than once is not just safer it's also much faster of course: it can be used as an actual backup tool.

Does rsync -a also use CoW the way cp does as long as the filesystem supports it?

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 12:48 UTC (Fri) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

Dunno what option it is (and I don't think it's -a), but rsync does have an option that says "only write stuff that's changed". Great for making backups on a journalled file system as each snapshot is a full backup, but apart from the first only takes up the space of an incremental... (and yes for large files eg databases it only writes that part of the file)


Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 19, 2020 17:46 UTC (Thu) by nye (guest, #51576) [Link]

> rsync does have an option that says "only write stuff that's changed"

--inplace --no-whole-file

By default rsync will only use --whole-file if both source and destination are local, so the second option is redundant in that case.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 12:50 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

No, and apparently it never will use reflinks because it is out of scope. It also can't copy the filesystem-specific attributes (like the immutable flag) set via chattr/lsattr. Patches to do this have been proposed and rejected :(

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 19, 2020 22:27 UTC (Thu) by rodgerd (guest, #58896) [Link]

That's very disappointing. What was the rationale?

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 20, 2020 22:46 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

That it was "out of scope", that rsync's job was to copy files, and nonportable stuff doesn't count. (I guess they define what is "nonportable".)

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:52 UTC (Fri) by grawity (subscriber, #80596) [Link]

My trick is to use "cp -a source/. dest/" to always get just the contents.

rsync options exist for a reason

Posted Nov 6, 2020 17:02 UTC (Fri) by david.a.wheeler (guest, #72896) [Link]

I disagree, the many other rsync options exist for a reason. I have a situation where I use three lines of options for rsync (!).

The world needs a "simple replacement for cp that copies remotely" and a "sophisticated tool for remote synchronization". They don't need to be the same tool, and historically have been different. I'd like to see a more secure version of the first category. In the first category most people don't really need the scp *protocol*, they just need a simple replacement for "cp" that works remotely. That is, it's the CLI interface, not the protocol, that matters.

rsync options exist for a reason

Posted Nov 6, 2020 21:02 UTC (Fri) by marcH (subscriber, #57642) [Link]

> I disagree, the many other rsync options exist for a reason. I have a situation where I use three lines of options for rsync (!).

Of course other rsync options exist for a reason and I do look them up and use them sometimes. Above I was only referring to basic, [s]cp-like usage.

Answering other comments too: if you must preserve hardlinks, sparse files, ACLs or some other unusual stuff then you better check the man page of _any_ tool you use.

> The world needs a "simple replacement for cp that copies remotely" and a "sophisticated tool for remote synchronization". They don't need to be the same tool, and historically have been different.

They don't need to be different tools either. I've been using a unique tool for "simple replacement for recursive, _local_ cp" all the way to "sophisticated tool for remote synchronization" and it has made simple things easy and complex things possible. So if you want a solution that already exists now then give it a try. If scp muscle memory is just too strong then a sincere "best of luck!"

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 7, 2020 6:45 UTC (Sat) by ncm (guest, #165) [Link]

The UNIX tradition is to read all the man pages from front to back and memorize it all.

That is harder nowadays, because there are a lot more with more pages each. But a reasonable selection of them deserve the old-school treatment. Rsync it probably one that does. Anyway, a curated selection of its options. (Eyes rolling? That's our world now.)

Instead of sitting and memorizing the whole collection, of an evening, why not bring home rsync(1), and memorize just that? What else would you do, look at your phone?

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 6:47 UTC (Fri) by rahvin (guest, #16953) [Link]

Seems to me the smarter thing isn't to orphan SCP and create new one that will never be fully compatible.

It's to create a new command that's more secure and let those that need it use it. Let the users that need the extra security and permission checking use the new version and those that don't can keep using scp. I just don't see the value in eliminating or orphaning it when it's not a security vulnerability but an undesired capability.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 11:47 UTC (Fri) by gerdesj (subscriber, #5446) [Link]

"I've thought of a valid use for this kind of behaviour that someone might actually be relying on. :-)
(i.e. ensure that the destination directory exists before writing the file to it)"

Sounds like a job for smkdir

rsync remote-to-remote

Posted Nov 6, 2020 14:23 UTC (Fri) by bkw1a (subscriber, #4101) [Link]

I love rsync and use it many times a day, but my fingers still sometimes type scp for single file transfers. One way in which rsync let me down recently was this: One of my users was asking about how to efficiently transfer files between two remote servers. I confidently told him he could do this with rsync, like "rsync -rv remote1:somewhere/ remote2:somewhere/". I was surprised and embarrassed to find that this doesn't actually work. I must have been thinking of scp, where such a thing really does work.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 6, 2020 16:00 UTC (Fri) by lwn@pck.email (subscriber, #121154) [Link]

HN comments are a dumpster fire on this one but this sort of stuff is why I pay for LWN, nice job.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 12, 2020 14:45 UTC (Thu) by jcpunk (subscriber, #95796) [Link]

I love the idea of taking what we've learned about high performance, secure, network protocols over the last 30 years and improving the overall landscape!

I don't love the idea of updating a billion scripts and having to explain why the documentation everyone finds all over the internet doesn't work anymore.

All in all, this is an optimistic mixed bag. But it sure is the kind of thing the community should be looking at.

Deprecating scp

Posted Nov 13, 2020 9:39 UTC (Fri) by nim-nim (subscriber, #34454) [Link]

Well that probably would mean rewriting scp around HTTP/3, not sftp.

Browsers have become the elephant in the room everyone optimizes for.

I like sshfs

Posted Nov 15, 2020 14:19 UTC (Sun) by Luyseyal (guest, #15693) [Link]

I just came here to say that I love using sshfs. Does it meet every scp use case? Nah. But it is super handy.

I like sshfs

Posted Apr 17, 2021 20:46 UTC (Sat) by RoyBellingan (guest, #151704) [Link]

Thank you, I felt alone using this marvellous tool.

Deprecating scp

Posted Jan 25, 2021 9:44 UTC (Mon) by tconnors (guest, #60528) [Link]

> At this point, it is claimed to work for most basic usage scenarios; some options (such as -3, which copies files between two remote hosts by way of the local machine) are not supported

That would be unfortunate. The only time I've used scp in the past... 15 years(?) is for scp -3.

The alternative is setting up horrible reverse tunnels with ssh, from memory. Yes, I do believe I use this in production at work (because I needed sync of directory trees), but am not about to check because we're about to enter into a public holiday.

Deprecating scp

Posted Jan 25, 2021 12:17 UTC (Mon) by mbunkus (subscriber, #87248) [Link]

You can approximate "scp -3" with ssh & tar, without having to use tunnels or anything else, as in:

ssh host1 "tar czf - /path /other/path" | ssh host2 "tar xzfC - /"

Deprecating scp

Posted Feb 5, 2021 19:39 UTC (Fri) by flussence (subscriber, #85566) [Link]

One could cobble something together with rsync and sshfs (on the sender or both endpoints), which might work out faster if it's a partial copy. It's a bit of a shame rsync doesn't support this mode of operation directly.

Deprecating scp

Posted Aug 25, 2021 13:30 UTC (Wed) by wtarreau (subscriber, #51152) [Link]

Bah, it means it's time to reinstall rsh and rcp to get something durable. Reliable old tools never completely disappear, only their temporary replacents.

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