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cluster-iperf is a docker image that runs the iperf IP network performance tool. The same image can be used to run iperf in client or server mode, and environment variables can be set, and command line arguments passed through, to further customize iperf's behavior as described below. It is built on alpine linux so the image itself is very lightweight.

docker pull markbnj/cluster-iperf:0.0.1


Table of Contents


The idea for the cluster-iperf image arose from a desire to have an easy way of testing bandwidth and network performance within a kubernetes or ECS cluster. A single image that can be run as client or server, and configured through settings that are accessible to kubernetes server/replication controller defintions, and ECS tasks, would allow network testing of various cluster configurations. For example, on kubernetes, testing network throughput in pod-to-pod, service-to-service, and client-to-service scenarios.

In order to be useful in a cluster environment the image had to have some convenient way of getting report results out, and so that can be done three ways: 1) run in default mode and view reports in stdout, which is useful for local testing; 2) run with RSYSLOG=true which will write reports to LOG_PATH (/var/log/iperf by default); or 3) also run with RSYSLOG_REMOTE=true and set RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP and RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT to log reports to a remote syslog server using UDP.


The cluster-iperf image is pre-release and has not received extensive testing. Obviously there is very little risk to running iperf other than bandwidth utilization.


To build and run the image you need docker installed.

Example use

Docker Hub: markbnj/cluster-iperf

  1. Pull the image and run server...
$ docker pull markbnj/cluster-iperf:0.0.1
$ docker run -it --name=iperf-server -e "ROLE=server" markbnj/cluster-iperf:0.0.1
  1. Run client...
$ docker run -it --name=iperf-client -e "ROLE=client" -e "SERVER_ADDR=iperf-server" --link iperf-server:iperf-server markbnj/cluster-iperf:0.0.1

Or ...

  1. Build image and run server...
$ git clone
$ cd cluster-iperf
$ make build
$ make run-server
  1. Run client...
$ make run-client


The cluster-iperf image responds to a few environment variables on startup. These control whether it runs in client or server mode, and how it logs report results. The variables and their use are described below.

Also iperf itself responds to a large number of environment variables. See the iperf2 documentation for more information.

To set these or the custom environment variables in the image either use the -e argument to docker run, or the appropriate property of a kubernetes or ECS task/pod.

Lastly, command line arguments can be passed to the entrypoint by passing them as command arguments to docker run, and by using the appropriate property of a kubernetes or ECS pod/task to pass them. Any arguments passed in the CMD will be appended to the start up script command line and passed through to iperf at startup.



docker run -d -e "LOG_PATH=/var/log/mylogs" cluster-iperf

Determines where output from the iperf process will be logged when RSYSLOG is set to true and RSYSLOG_REMOTE is set to false. Defaults to /var/log/iperf.

ROLE=[client || server]


docker run -d -e "ROLE=server" cluster-iperf

Determines whether iperf starts in client or server mode.

RSYSLOG=[true || *false]


docker run -d -e "RSYSLOG=true" cluster-iperf

Determines whether iperf will use the rsyslog facility local0 to output report results. If this variable is set to true then rsyslogd will be configured and started in the image before iperf is started. Defaults to false.

RSYSLOG_LOGSTASH=[true || *false]


docker run -d -e "RSYSLOG=true" -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE=true" -e 'RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP=' -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT=5002" -e "RSYSLOG_LOGSTASH=true" cluster-iperf

Output log messages in a logstash-friendly format when logging to a remote logging daemon. This setting allows the iperf container to log directly to logstash on port 5001.

RSYSLOG_REMOTE=[true || *false]


docker run -d -e "RSYSLOG=true" -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE=true" -e 'RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP=' -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT=5002" cluster-iperf

Determines whether the rsyslog facility local0 will be sent to a remote server when the RSYSLOG variable is set to true. Also requires RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP and RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT to be set. Defaults to false.

RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP=[ip || host name]


docker run -d -e "RSYSLOG=true" -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE=true" -e 'RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP=' -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT=5002" cluster-iperf

Determines the IP address of the remote syslog daemon to which report lines should be sent. Required when RSYSLOG_REMOTE is set to true.



docker run -d -e "RSYSLOG=true" -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE=true" -e 'RSYSLOG_REMOTE_IP=' -e "RSYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT=5002" cluster-iperf

Determines the port on the remote syslog daemon to which report lines should be sent. Required when RSYSLOG_REMOTE is set to true.

SERVER_ADDR=[ip || hostname]


docker run -d -e "ROLE=client" -e "SERVER_ADDR=myserver" cluster-iperf

Determines the address of the iperf server to connect to when in the client role. Defaults to localhost (


A docker image for running iperf in client or server mode on kubernetes and ECS







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