Web performance guru Steve Souders explains how a process that brings design and performance together at the beginning of a project helps deliver a web experience that’s both fast and rich.
If you wanted to protect your home, would you install an alarm for only one door? Join our OpsCast on July 16 at 2PM (EST) to understand how to use synthetic and RUM monitoring to create a comprehensive monitoring solution and get complete visibility of your performance. In this webinar, you'll learn how synthetic monitoring and RUM provide complete web performance insight, how to create a troubleshooting workflow, and the ramifications of incomplete monitoring.
A look at Pinterest’s path to discovering an optimal configuration for its MySQL cluster including benchmark results and what the configuration looks like in these slides.
An open source load testing tool where you define user behaviour with Python code, and then ‘swarm your system’ with potentially millions of simultaneous users.
The Executive Director of the jQuery Foundation is interviewed about how the foundation’s systems scale, how its CDN works, and what the future for jQuery is.
We’re looking for an experienced operations developer to join a brand new team working on Composed, a first of its kind, digital classical music streaming service from Universal Music released in April 2015.
Codeship is a hosted Continuous Integration and Delivery platform focusing on speed, security, and customizability. Join customers like CareerBuilder and Product Hunt and deploy your projects multiple times per day with Codeship.