Lara Hogan
Senior Engineering Manager of Performance, Etsy

How important is it to focus on performance now our connections are faster than ever?

Performance is still incredibly important as people are increasingly using mobile devices. It'll take a while until mobile connections catch up with the speed of wired connections, and many users globally are on slower infrastructure.

How do you convince upper management to care about performance?

Show Very Important People videos from WebPagetest of how long your site takes to load on mobile connections, and use test locations around the world to help them feel what your users are experiencing. Compare videos of your competitors' sites next to a video of your site loading; pride is a powerful tool!

What matters more: total load time, or perceived performance?

Perceived performance will have an enormous effect on the overall user experience, and is worth optimizing. Fix scrolling jank, and make sure the primary action for a page is interactive immediately upon page load.

Front-end, Browsers and Client Performance
Martin Brinkmann
A performance tool that allows artists, developers, and project managers alike to see the impact their changes have on a site’s performance.
Matt Shull
“I will use a CDN to serve static content (with no cookies)” and more.
Alex Sexton
“60 frames per second is not ‘would be nice’. It’s ‘must have’. And the DOM doesn’t have it.”
John Gruber
“Progressive enhancement is about building robust products and being paranoid about availability.”
Christian Heilmann
Inspired by stats.js, this lets you see the current JS memory usage in realtime in Chrome (only). It could help you in detecting memory leaks.
Paul Irish
Infrastructure, Protocols, and Networks
‘9% of all Firefox release channel HTTP transactions are already happening over HTTP/2.’
Bits Up
Server-side and Deployment
Frederic de Villamil
The New Stack
Passenger-docker is a Docker image meant to serve as a good base for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor app images.
Smashing Magazine