
We're back! We hope you had a great holiday season. The new design we promised is going to have to wait a week or two, unfortunately, but we're getting there :-) Make sure to hit reply if you have any submissions for us.

- The WebOps Weekly team (Peter, Chris, and Za'e)

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In brief
No specific updates for NGINX, just install the OS-level patches.
The New Stack
Optimize apps, track performance, and troubleshoot latency issues with end-to-end tracing. Try Datadog free.
Datadog   sponsored 
Pei Wang
Neil Williams
How edge networks, Kubernetes, serverless and other trends will shape systems engineering and operations.
Nikki McDonald
Nati Shalom
Astasia Myers
Alex Ellis
Codeship + GitHub Enterprise   sponsored 
.. using a two-way proxy called Telepresence.
Richard Li
Pavlos Ratis
Gencebay Demir
GoCD   sponsored 
Essentially an email delivery platform you can run on your own servers.
aTech Media